Foundation Patient Stories

Nascentia Health Charitable Foundation is dedicated to helping our patients by increasing community awareness, delivering health and wellness programs, and funding medical and personal necessities for those who are uninsured or underinsured.

Each year, support for our foundation has enabled us to improve the quality of life for countless patients and their families throughout Upstate New York. We graciously thank everyone who has supported our foundation through donations, volunteer hours and more.

Learn how support to the foundation has helped our patients:

Niveen’s Patient Story
Katana Safety
Foundation Independence Connie
Foundation New Doorbell John
Foundation Trinity playpen

Other donations from our Foundation include items that bring considerable value to each patient and their families, enabling them to maintain or increase their independence, health and self-sufficiency. These items include:

  • Protective sleeve to prevent a non-verbal pediatric patient from biting himself out of frustration
  • Adjustable bedrails to prevent falls/slipping out of bed for an elderly patient
  • Hoyer Lift Scale to monitor a congestive heart failure patient’s weight
  • Beasy slide transfer board for a wheelchair bound patient to slide between surfaces easily with safety and efficiency
  • Training for a Nascentia Nurse to advance skills on pediatric feeding
  • Light up visual doorbell to let a patient who is hard of hearing know when someone is at his door
  • Stroller for a mother to transport her child to and from doctor’s appointments with a carbon monoxide monitor, oxygen, and enteral feeding pump

Learn how support to the foundation has helped our patients:

Katana Safety
Foundation Independence Connie
Foundation New Doorbell John
Foundation Trinity playpen

Other donations from our Foundation include items that bring considerable value to each patient and their families, enabling them to maintain or increase their independence, health and self-sufficiency. These items include:

  • Adjustable bedrails to prevent falls/slipping out of bed for an elderly patient
  • Hoyer Lift Scale to monitor a congestive heart failure patient’s weight
  • Beasy slide transfer board for a wheelchair bound patient to slide between surfaces easily with safety and efficiency
  • Training for a Nascentia Nurse to advance skills on pediatric feeding
  • Comfort heel pillows to relive pressure ulcers on a bed bound patient’s foot
  • Stroller for a mother to transport her child to and from doctor’s appointments with a carbon monoxide monitor, oxygen, and enteral feeding pump