Save the Date—Sunday, October 6, 2024, 1-4pm
at Timber Banks Golf Club in Baldwinsville

Please join us for the 12th annual Raise a Glass event, our annual fall fundraiser for the Nascentia Health Charitable Foundation. Enjoy food and drinks, amazing silent auction items and trips, basket raffles, and more.

Raise a Glass supports our nonprofit Nascentia Health Charitable Foundation, which provides direct support to improve the quality of life for our financially challenged patients and their families throughout Central New York, and specialized education and training for our nurses and home health aides.

In 2023, Nascentia Health Charitable Foundation supported more than 250 patients, including infants, children, adults, the elderly, and their families. The gifts of comfort, safety, and self-sufficiency that we provide change their lives in both small and large ways. The funds raised through this event not only support vulnerable members of our community, but also enable us to continue training our clinical staff to deliver the highest quality of care.

We hope that you will consider being a supporter of our 2024 event. Corporate sponsorships are the primary source of funds for our mission. We appreciate any level of support that you are able to give, including being a corporate sponsor, donating an item for our silent auction, or purchasing tickets for you and your team to attend.

2023 Raise a Glass

Sponsorship Opportunities

Diamond: $10,000

  • 50 tickets
  • Social Media promotion
  • Logo on invitation
  • Logo on event website
  • Mention in press releases
  • Full-page program ad
  • Logo on event materials
  • Company banner at event
  • Logo on giveaway item

Platinum: $7,500

  • 35 tickets
  • Social Media promotion
  • Logo on invitation
  • Logo on event website
  • Mention in press releases
  • Full-page program ad
  • Logo on event materials
  • Company banner/shade at Event

Gold: $5,000

  • 20 tickets
  • Social Media promotion
  • Listed on invitation
  • Logo on event rebsite
  • Full-page program ad
  • Logo on event materials

Silver: $2,500

  • 10 tickets
  • Social Media promotion
  • Half-page program ad
  • Name on event materials

Bronze: $1,500

  • 4 tickets
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Quarter-page program ad
  • Name on event materials

Thank you for considering a sponsorship of our event! Questions or want to learn more? Please contact Rebecca Lerman at (315) 477-9547 or email

Please complete the Sponsorship/Program Advertising form below or email your completed form (linked above) to by Friday, August 16th, to ensure that you/your company are listed on event materials. You may also return it by mail to: Nascentia Health Charitable Foundation, 1050 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13204

Sponsorship and Program Advertising Form

2024 Raise a Glass Sponsorship/Ad
I am interested in:
include area code

Select a Sponsorship Level:

Sponsorship Level
Agreement Due by August 16th
Please include names/attendees of sponsorship tickets by 08/16/24.
Questions? Please contact Rebecca Lerman at (315) 477-9547 or email

Program Advertising

Ad Size
Agreement Due by August 16th
Questions? Please contact Rebecca Lerman at (315) 477-9547 or email

Payment Method
Please mail checks to:
Nascentia Health Charitable Foundation
1050 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13204

We greatly appreciate our relationship with you and we thank you for your support!

Purchase Event Tickets

Tickets are $50 per person in advance and at the door.

Other ways to donate:

  • Donation of an item for our silent auction (donations can be accepted at any time for pickup or delivery)